• Rechtliche Hinweise und Datenschutz

    Rechtliche Hinweise § 1 Warnhinweis zu Inhalten Die kostenlosen und frei zugänglichen Inhalte dieser Webseite wurden mit größtmöglicher Sorgfalt erstellt. Der Anbieter dieser Webseite übernimmt jedoch keine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit und Aktualität…

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    Right to be Forgotten I | 1 BvR 16/13

    BVerfG Recht auf Vergessen I – Right to be Forgotten Unofficial convenience translation Guiding Principles to the decision of the First Senate of 6 November 2019 – 1 BvR 16/13 – a) Domestic…

  • Volume 20 (2019)

    Volume 20 No 02 & No 03

    Volume 20 No 02   Introduction—Public law and populism Rosalind Dixon https://doi.org/10.1017/glj.2019.8 Published online: 25 April 2019, pp. 125-128   Populist leaders and political parties N. W. Barber https://doi.org/10.1017/glj.2019.9 Published online: 25 April…


    GLJ Welcomes Submissions The German Law Journal warmly welcomes submissions of high-quality, including articles, essays, case-notes, comments and reviews, which focus on German, European, or international legal developments.  The Journal publishes in English.  All submitted files must…


      Instructions for Contributors The German Law Journal (GLJ) warmly welcomes submissions of high-quality, including articles, essays, comments and reviews, which focus on German, European, or international legal developments.  The Journal publishes in English. GLJ…

  • Volume 20 (2019)

    Volume 20 No 01

    Making the implicit quality standards and performance expectations for traditional legal scholarship explicit Marnix Snel German Law Journal, Volume 20 / Issue 1, Feb-19, pp 1 – 20 doi: 10.1017/glj.2019.6 Published Online on…

  • Volume 05 (2004)

    Volume 05 No 07

      5 German Law Journal No. 7 (2004) Public Law Second-Class Citizens? Restricted Freedom of Movement for Spätaussiedler is Constitutional Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels* The Hamburg Terror Trials – American Political Poker and…

  • News

    Liberal Democracy’s Crisis in Turkey

    Liberal Democracy’s Crisis in Turkey The German Law Journal is following developments in Turkey with increasing alarm.  We fear that this exceptional country’s democratic journey has reached a perilous, perhaps even existential, moment.…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 24 No. 5

    Dear Readers, This latest issue, comprising content published separately in FirstView, is wide-ranging in its scope. With articles discussing solidarity with migrants at sea, the international legal-historical insights of Charles Henry Alexandrowicz, attorney-client…

  • NEWS

    GLJ Symposium on Populism and Constitutionalism, 25-26 April 2019 On 25th and 26th April 2019 the German Law Journal organizes, in cooperation with Cambridge University Press, a symposium on Populism and Constitutionalism, hosted by the London…